Antibodies are part of the immune system. They are created to fight off things (antigens) that can hurt the body, like a virus or bacteria.
An antigen is something your body doesn’t recognize (such as a virus or bacteria) that goes into the body. The body then creates antibodies to get rid of the antigen.
Autoantibodies are a group of antibodies that accidentally end up attacking and hurting parts of the body. In type 1 diabetes, autoantibodies attack the cells that make insulin in the pancreas.
Autoimmune disorder
An autoimmune disorder or disease is when the body's immune system makes a mistake and starts to attack its own tissues.
Basal secretion (basal insulin)
Basal secretion is a little bit of insulin that is always in the blood. People with type 1 diabetes have to take a type of insulin that copies basal secretion; that is basal insulin.
Beta cells
Beta cells are cells that make insulin in a part of the pancreas.
Blood glucose level
Blood glucose level is how much sugar is in your blood at different times of day. This level is very important for people with diabetes, which is why they have to check their blood sugar many times of the day.
Blood pressure
Blood pressure is how hard the heart is working to move blood through the body. People with diabetes have a higher chance of having high blood pressure. Blood pressure should be checked at every doctor's visit and should be 130/80 mm Hg or lower.
Body mass index (BMI)-
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a way of telling if a person is overweight, underweight, or obese. It uses a person's height and weight to see how much body fat someone has.
Bolus secretion (bolus insulin)
Bolus secretion is when the pancreas creates insulin after you eat to break down the carbohydrates in your food. People with type 1 diabetes have to take a type of insulin that copies bolus secretion.